flag Vietnam Vietnam: Introdução

Capital: Hanoi


Total Population: 98,186,856
Natural Increase: 0.7%
Density: 311 Inhabitants/km²
Urban Population: 38.8%
Population of main cities: Ho Chi Minh City (7,005,000); Hanoi (3,605,400); Danang (988,600); Haiphong (841,600); Bien Hoa (830,900); Can Tho (812,100); Thuan An (588,700); Di An (474,700); Huế (351,500); Vũng Tàu (341,600)
Ethnic Origins: There are more than 54 ethnic minorities throughout the country, but the Kinh (Viet) are purveyors of the dominant culture, representing about 85% of the population. Most ethnic minorities (about 15% of the population) such as the Muong, a closely related to the Kinh, are found mostly in the highlands covering two-thirds of the territory. The Hoa (ethnic Chinese) and Khmer Krom are mainly lowlanders. Other major groups groups include Tay, Thai, Nung, and Nung. (General Statistics Office of Vietnam)
Official Language: Vietnamese
Other Languages Spoken: English, Chinese
Business Language(s): Vietnamese and English. Japanese, Korean, Chinese, German, French and Russian are used at times.
Religion: Buddhists 85%, Christians 8%, Others 7%.

Local Time:

It is %T:%M %A In Hanoi

Exchange Rate on :

National Currency: Vietnamese Dong (VND)

Country Overview

Area: 331,340 km²
Type of State: Single-party socialist republic.
Type of Economy: Developing economy.
One of the fastest-growing economies of South-East Asia. The second largest rice exporter in the world.
HDI*: 0.666/1
HDI (World Rank): 116/188

Note: (*) The HDI, Human Development Index, is an Indicator Which Synthesizes Several Data Such as Life Expectancy, Level of Education, Professional Careers, Access to Culture etc.


Telephone Code:
To call from Vietnam, dial 00
To call Vietnam, dial +84
Internet Suffix: .vn
Computers: 1.3 per 100 Inhabitants
Telephone Lines: 11.4 per 100 Inhabitants
Internet Users: 39.5 per 100 Inhabitants
Access to Electricity: 99% of the Population

Foreign Trade in Figures

Foreign Trade Indicators 20192020202120222023
Imports of Goods (million USD) 253,393262,701332,455359,148325,776
Exports of Goods (million USD) 264,268282,629335,978371,288353,782
Imports of Services (million USD) 19,02818,32519,40727,44129,060
Exports of Services (million USD) 16,6526,3463,64313,52019,590

Source: WTO – World Trade Organisation, Latest data available.


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