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A propriedade intelectual no Uzbequistão

Intellectual Property

National Organisations
Consult the Uzbek Republican Agency for Copyright. Uzbekistan still observes the convention leading to the establishment of the World Intellectual Property Organization, Paris Convention (industrial property rights) and the Madrid agreement (trademarks) and the Patent Co-operation Treaty (PCT).
The patents office of 1993 and the patents given by the ex-USSR must once again be registered as well as the trademarks (subsequent to the passing of a law by the Uzbekistan Parliament).
Regional Organisations
Uzbekistan is not a member of any of the regional organizations in the domain of Intellectual Property but the Uzbek Republican Agency for Copyright maintains links with the WIPO as well as its Kazakh, Kirghiz and Russian counterparts.

Also see the website of the State Patent Office of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
It may also be useful to consult the following Russian websites:

- The Russian organization for Copyrights.
- Information Portal on Copyrights and Patents in Russia.


National Regulation and International Agreements

Type of property and law Validity International Agreements Signed
Copyrights Law of 26th March 2006.
During the lifetime of the proprietor and 50 years after his/her death
Law on Trademarks submitted, Services and Designations of Origin of 2001
10 years Protocol Relating to the Madrid Agreement Concerning the International Registration of Marks
Industrial Designs
20 years  
Copyrights Law and related rights on the website of the Uzbek Republican Agency for Copyrights
50 years WIPO Copyright Treaty
Industrial Models
Industrial Designs.

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