A propaganda & o marketing no Uruguai
Marketing opportunities
- Consumer Profile
With its population of almost 3.5 million people, Uruguay is a relatively small but active market. Uruguay’s per capita gross income (UYU 25,440 per month in 2021 - National Institute of Statistics of Uruguay) and spending levels rank amongst the highest for major Latin American economies. However, the real growth of the Uruguayan consumer market eased in recent years, as a result of the country’s economic slowdown during this period. After a few years of sluggish growth, the economy accelerated and is of 3% in 2021 (IMF).
The urban dwellers are different from the rural population because of the income gap. The urban population displays a rather Western consumer behaviour, while the rural population is less demanding and are more interested in traditional products. However, the income inequality between urban and rural areas is narrowing, and the middle-class segment is expanding. The median age of the Uruguayan population is 35.5 years (CIA World Factbook, 2020 est.).
Touristic centres are characterized by luxurious consumption. The average consumer is characterized by a rather conservative behaviour.
- Consumer Behaviour
When making purchase decisions Uruguayan consumers consider price as the main criteria. This is especially true for foodstuff and everyday products, while for durable goods and services quality remains central.
According to a survey by Nielsen, 58% of Uruguayans said they changed their shopping habits in recent years in order to save money on day-to-day expenses. Of these, 55% actively seek promotions and discounts, while 48% claim to buy only what is necessary (latest data available). Uruguayan consumers often check several distribution channels to find the most convenient one. E-commerce in Uruguay is still in an early stage but is growing rapidly. In most cases, consumers purchase online because of better prices or since they can find products that are not available in local stores.
- Consumers Associations
Uruguayan Body for Consumer Defense
League for Consumer Defence of Uruguay
- Main Advertising Agencies
Advertising Agencies Association of Uruguay
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