Chade flag Chade: Investir no Chade

Estrutura e oportunidades de investimento no Chade

Procedures Relative to Foreign Investment

Freedom of Establishment
According to Chadian laws, foreign entities may freely establish and own business enterprises. The National Investment Charter guarantees both foreign companies and individual’s equal standing with Chadian companies and individuals in the privatization process.
Acquisition of Holdings
The National Investment Charter permits full foreign ownership of companies in Chad. The only limit on foreign control is on ownership of companies operating in sectors related to national security.
Obligation to Declare
Foreign businesses interested in investing in or establishing an office in Chad should contact the National Agency for Investment and Exports (ANIE).
Competent Organisation For the Declaration
The National Agency for Investment and Exports (ANIE)
Requests For Specific Authorisations
No specific authorizations are required for any sector.

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Investment Opportunities

Investment Aid Agency
National Agency for Investment and Exports (ANIE, Agence Nationale des Investissements et des Exports)
Tenders, Projects and Public Procurement
Global Tenders Chad
Tenders Info Chad
Africa Gateway Chad
Other Useful Resources
U.S. Bureau of Economic and Business Affairs' Chad 2018 Investment Climate Statement

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Últimas atualizações em April 2024