Tanzânia flag Tanzânia: Ambiente de negócios

Fazendo negócios na Tanzânia

Opening hours and bank holidays

General Information
Opening Hours and Days
The work week is Monday to Friday and office hours are generally between 08:00 and 17:00. Government offices tend to close earlier, at 15:30. In Zanzibar, business and government are closed Friday afternoons.

Public Holidays

New Year's Day 1 January
Zanzibar Revolution Day 12 January
Good Friday Last Friday before Easter
Easter End of March - April
Easter Monday First Monday after Easter
Karume Day 7 April
Union Day 26 April
Labour Day 1 May
Eid El Fitr/End of Ramadan Varies according to the lunar calendar
Saba Saba Day 7 July
Nane Nane (Farmer's) Day 8 August
Eid El Haj Varies according to the lunar calendar
Mwalimu Nyerere Day 14 October
Maulid Day Varies according to the lunar calendar
Independence Day 9 December
Christmas Day 25 December
Boxing Day 26 December
Holiday Compensation
Public holidays falling on Saturday or Sunday are not compensated.

Periods When Companies Usually Close

Easter Holiday End of March - April
Christmas End of December

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