Suíça: Ambiente de negócios
Government and business offices: 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (Monday- Friday).
Banks: 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. (Monday- Friday).
New Year's Day | 1 January |
Berchtold's Day | 2 January |
Saint Joseph's Day | March |
Good Friday | April |
Easter Monday | April |
Ascension | May - June |
Whit Monday | June |
National Day | 1 August |
Assumption | 15 August |
Swiss Federal Fast | September |
All Saints' Day | 1 November |
Conception | 8 December |
Christmas Day | 25 December |
Boxing Day | 26 December |
Christmas and New Year | Companies generally close for 7-10 days during the Christmas and New Year period. |
Participants are expected to bring necessary documentation. Procedure and planning are key to a successful negotiation in Switzerland. The presentation has to be extremely meticulous and well detailed. The Swiss can be extremely risk-averse and tend to ask very precise questions during negotiations to ensure a risk-free deal. Most of the planning is long-term, therefore foreigners should focus on extolling the virtues of the deal in the long run. While decisions are made from the top down, all participants are given a chance to speak, especially if the discussion point relates directly to their area of expertise.
During negotiations, it is crucial to remain patient even though the decision-making process tends to be slow and methodical. While being courteous, the Swiss use a direct and honest communication style. By the same token, using too much business jargon is considered unnecessary and too indirect. Foreigners should also refrain from hand gesturing. Meetings usually have a set speaking order and interrupting someone is considered rude.
Business entertaining is almost entirely done in restaurants and spouses are generally invited to business dinners. Dinner is the most common form of business entertaining whereas business breakfasts remain somewhat unusual. The Swiss rarely invite foreign business partners to their home. If this happens, it is a sign that your Swiss counterpart shows great interest in the negotiation process.
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