Síria flag Síria: Compra e Venda

A rede de distribuição na Síria

Evolution of the Sector
There are two types of distribution circuits. On the public side, an import monopoly is held in a specific sector by a structure which has its own distribution network. On the private side, the concept of mass distribution hardly exists. The import agents who are also wholesale distributors work for companies. There are few supermarkets or hypermarkets, and consumer goods sales outlets are the retailers. The role of a vendor is the role of a consultant.

However, it has to be kept in mind that the ongoing civil conflict has largely disrupted the retail market as a whole. Food prices, in particular, have spiked and 9.3 million people are food insecure as 2020, the highest level ever recorded in Syria and growing (UN sources).

Market share
No reliable data has been released in recent years concerning the retail market share in Syria (food and non-food), due to the ongoing conflict.

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Últimas atualizações em March 2024