Nova Zelândia flag Nova Zelândia: Ambiente de negócios

Fazendo negócios na Nova Zelândia

Opening hours and bank holidays

General Information
Kwintessential, New Zealand Business Practices.
Culture Atlas, New Zealand culture
Opening Hours and Days
The normal working week is Monday through Friday. The standard day for commercial establishments, bank and public (civil) service is generally 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., with a one hour lunch break. In most cities, retail stores are open seven days per week with at least one late night each week, often Thursday or Friday.

Public Holidays

New Years Day January 1
Day after New Year’s Day January 2
Waitangi Day (New Zealand National Day) February 6
Good Friday Variable
Easter Monday Variable
Anzac Day April 25
Queen’s Birthday (Observed) First Monday in June
Labor Day Fourth Monday in October
Christmas Day December 25
Boxing Day December 26
Provincial Anniversary Day Dates vary from province to province

Periods When Companies Usually Close

End of year Usually 1 week around New Year

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