Moçambique flag Moçambique: Compra e Venda

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Industrial and Manufacturing Profile

Industry accounts for 20 % of GDP and employs just over 5 % of the population, according to the World bank. Coal has for long been the flagship production of the Mozambican mining sector, but since the discovery of offshore natural gas, interest in the coal sector has narrowed.

The mining and quarrying industries remain marginal in their participation to GDP. According to the 2015 African Economic Outlook report, drawn up by the ADB, OECD, UNDP, UNECA, the sector accounted for only 1.5 % of GDP.
In 2017, manufacturing contributed 13.2 % to GDP, according to the 2015 African Economic Outlook report.

Sector-specific professional associations

9 professional associations listed for Mozambique.

Mozambican multisector Business directories

Afrikta - List of companies in Maputo

Club of Mozambique - List of companies in Mozambique, by category

ListCompany - List of companies in Mozambique

Mozambique YP - Mozambique business directory

MozBuild - Mozambique's contruction companies

MZ Business - Business Services, Public Services, Shopping, Restaurants, Transport in Mozambique

Paginas Amarelas - Mozambique's Yellow Pages

Mozambican Marketplaces

Sample of marketplaces incorporated in Mozambique (A to Z)


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