Jordânia flag Jordânia: Compra e Venda

Organizar o transporte das suas mercadorias "de" e "para" a Jordânia

Main Useful Means of Transport
Generally speaking, the road infrastructures in Jordan are very good. The country has 6 678 km of roads of which 2 756 km are motorways. Most of the roads run north/south, which allows you to reach the whole country. All the big cities are linked by motorway. Piggybacking concerns exclusively phosphates in the region of El-Hassa near Aqaba. The Ministry of Transport launched a tender in 2005 to develop rail infrastructures over the long term (over 20-25 years).

The port of Aqaba, Jordan's only access to the sea, is very modern with special containers for hydrocarbons and phosphates.

Finally, Queen Alia international airport has modern services and infrastructures.
Port of Aqaba website
List of Jordanian airports
Sea Transport Organisations
Jordanian maritime authority
Air Transport Organisations
Jordanian Civil Aviation Regulatory Commission
Road Transport Organisations
Jordanian Ministry of Transport
Rail Transport Organisations
Aqaba Railway Corporation
Jordan Hijaz Railway Corporation

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