Hong Kong SAR, China flag Hong Kong SAR, China: Compra e Venda

Organizar o transporte das suas mercadorias "de" e "para" Hong Kong SAR, China

Main Useful Means of Transport
Hong Kong is one of the most important centres for logistics in Asia. Its airport is ranked globally as the best for freight and has the seventh largest container port in the world. Hong Kong International Airport has been the world’s busiest airport for 10 consecutive year since 2010. In 2019, it handled 4.8 million tonnes of total cargo throughput, which accounted for 42% of the total value of Hong Kong's external trade.
However, rapid growth has placed severe demands on this infrastructure. Thus, there is a need for major new investments over the next few years, particularly in transportation and shipping facilities. Significant developments include a planned expansion of container terminal facilities, additional roadway and railway networks.

Hong Kong's port is the seventh most significant container port in the world, and it handled 19,600 TEU (twenty feet equivalent unit) in 2018 (data World Shipping, latest data available). Its strategic position makes it the port of access to the Chinese market as well as an unavoidable transit point for international trade. Ship owners from Hong Kong control around 6% of the world's fleet. Details on Hong Kong's shipping data can be consulted on the portal of the Census and Statistics Department.
Hong Kong Port
Hong Kong Airport
Sea Transport Organisations
Marine Department
Air Transport Organisations
Hong Kong Airport Authority
Road Transport Organisations
Transport Department
Rail Transport Organisations
Transport Department

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Últimas atualizações em February 2025