Estrutura e oportunidades de investimento em Hong Kong SAR, China
Procedures Relative to Foreign Investment
Freedom of Establishment
Hong Kong does not discriminate in law or practice between investments by foreign and local companies, so that foreign firms and individuals enjoy the same conditions as locals.
Acquisition of Holdings
There is no ownership restriction for foreigner, who can hold up to 100% of equity and have the right to engage in all forms of remunerative activity. Furthermore, company directors are not required to be citizens of, or resident in, Hong Kong.
Obligation to Declare
A registration certificate should be requested to the Companies Registry, which generally issues the Business Registration Certificate and the Certificate of Registration within two weeks from submission.
Only some sectors have limitations for foreign investors, like broadcasting (where there are residency requirements for the directors and foreign ownership is limited to maximum 49% of equity) and legal services (with foreign firms having to satisfy certain requirements in order to be able to practice).