Contabilidade e regras contábeis em Hong Kong SAR, China
Accounting Rules
- Tax Year
The financial year starts on 1st April and ends on 31st March of the following year.
- Accounting Standards
The Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants (HKICPA) is empowered by the PAO to develop and issue Financial Reporting Standards (HKFRS) and Hong Kong Standards on Quality Control, Auditing, Assurance and Related Services (HKSA). These standards of accounting and auditing practices must be observed and applied by members of the HKICPA.
The Small and Medium-Sized Entities (SMEs) Financial Reporting Framework and Financial Reporting Standard issued by the HKICPA better meets the needs of users of SME financial statements. The HKFRS and HKSA have been developed to achieve convergence with IFRS.
- Accounting Regulation Bodies
- Accounting Reports
BALANCE SHEET: on December 31 n, to be compared December 31 n-1.
FIXED ASSETS / CURRENT ASSETS: stocks, marketable securities, debtors' cash .
CURRENT LIABILITIES: finance lease obligations, proposed dividends, taxation, creditors' loans, bank overdrafts.
NET CURRENT ASSETS / LONG TERM LIABILITIES: deferred taxation obligations due to finance leases, bank loans.
SHAREHOLDERS EQUITY: capital reserves, retained profits.
PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT: 1) Turnover; 2) Profit before tax; 3) Tax; 4) Retained profits at the beginning of the fiscal year; 5) Dividends; 6) Retained profits at the end of the fiscal year.
- Publication Requirements
The law requires Hong Kong-incorporated companies to prepare audited financial statements. Although there is no requirement that private companies file annual financial statements with the Companies Registry, proper books of account must be kept and maintained at the company’s registered office. Companies must file annual returns specifying directors, members and the location of a registered office. Public companies must file annual accounts with the Companies Registry.
- Professional Accountancy Bodies
The Society of Chinese Accountants and Auditors
- Certification and Auditing
Companies have to seek a statutory auditor to conduct an annual audit of the financial health of their organization. You can contact KPMG, Ernst&Young or PricewaterhouseCoopers.
- Accounting News
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Últimas atualizações em February 2025