Guatemala flag Guatemala: Compra e Venda

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Industrial and Manufacturing Profile

The Manufacturing industry represents 12.6% of the GDP. With the Central American Common Market and the FTAA, Guatemala has at its disposition an advantageous market which it makes good use of.  With the establishment of maquilas ("in-bond" industries), the maquiladoras sector has become one of the most important sectors for the country.
Guatemala also has a considerable and competitive chemical industry.
The other important sectors are: the cosmetic, paper, metal products, construction materials and crystal industries.

In conclusion, the production structure of the Guatemalan market is oligopolistic, which tends to be a handicap for competition but which has the advantage giving the investors a large choice and the country is not dependant on a single sector.

Sector-specific professional associations

26 professional associations listed for Guatemala.

Guatemalan multisector Business directories - Guatemala - Directory of companies in Guatemala

Central America Data - Guatemala - Business directory in Guatemala

Deguate - Guatemala's online business directory - Guatemala business directory - Guatemala business directory

South America Business Directory - Guatemala business directory

Yellow pages - Business directory in Guatemala.

Guatemalan Marketplaces

Sample of marketplaces incorporated in Guatemala (A to Z)


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Upcoming Trade shows in Guatemala

October 6th, 2025
Construction, public works - Masonry, carpentry, pipework - Waterproofing, roofing, plumbing, carpentry - Painting, door and window frames, wall and floor coverings - Electrical installations - Heating, air conditioning, ventilation - Sanitary equipment, kitchen, swimming pool - Machine tools, agricultural machinery - Hardware, tools, accessories - Professional hardware - Home repairs, DIY
November 1st, 2025
Automobiles, lorries - Automobile manufacturing, lorries - Automobile subcontracting, lorries - Embedded systems
February 1st, 2026
Construction, public works - Masonry, carpentry, pipework - Waterproofing, roofing, plumbing, carpentry - Painting, door and window frames, wall and floor coverings - Electrical installations - Heating, air conditioning, ventilation - Sanitary equipment, kitchen, swimming pool - Machine tools, agricultural machinery - Hardware, tools, accessories - Professional hardware - Home repairs, DIY
October 1st, 2026
Construction, public works - Masonry, carpentry, pipework - Waterproofing, roofing, plumbing, carpentry - Painting, door and window frames, wall and floor coverings - Electrical installations - Heating, air conditioning, ventilation - Sanitary equipment, kitchen, swimming pool - Machine tools, agricultural machinery - Hardware, tools, accessories - Professional hardware - Home repairs, DIY

To see 6 more, check out our Trade shows database

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