Padrões comerciais e industriais na Finlândia
- National Standards Organisations
Finnish Standards Association (SFS)
- Integration in the International Standards Network
The Finnish Standards Association SFS and its standards-writing bodies, the Finnish Electrotechnical Standards Association and Finnish Communications Regulatory Authority are members of the European standards organizations CEN, CENELEC and ETSI. On the international scale, SFS is also a member of the International Organization ISO and IEC.
- Classification of Standards
SFS (or SFS-EN) + 4 or more digits showing the technical area and the rank in the division.
- Online Consultation of Standards
National SFS Standards can be acquired in Finland only by going through SFS. Distribution of SFS standards abroad is handled by national ISO member bodies. SFS standards can be downloaded from the online shop of SFS.
- Certification Organisations
Finnish Standards Association (SFS)
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Últimas atualizações em February 2025