Congo flag Congo: Compra e Venda

A propaganda & o marketing no Congo

Marketing opportunities

Consumer Profile
The Republic of Congo has a population of almost 4.8 million people (IMF, 2021), with a GDP per capita estimated at USD 2,510 by the IMF (2021), and it is classified a lower-middle income country by the World Bank. As in most countries in Africa, the Congolese consumers are generally young: according to data by the CIA, the proportion of children below the age of 14 is 41.57%, 17.14% of the population is between 15 and 24, 33.5% between 25 and 54, while only 7.79% are 55 or older; and it is equally split between men and women (2020 est.). The life expectancy in the country is 60.27 years for men and 63.16 for women (CIA Wolrd Factbook, 2021 est.). Families in the Republic of Congo are numerous, with an average fertility rate of 4.41 children per woman (CIA Wolrd Factbook, 2021 est.).
The population density is relatively low, with most people concentrated in the south and around the capital of Brazzaville (67.4% of the total population lives in urban areas - World Bank 2019, latest data available). According to the IMF, poverty and inequality are comparatively high in the Republic of Congo (47% of the population lives under the poverty line, a higher rate if compared to peer oil-exporting countries - World Food Programme, 2021), especially in rural areas.
Consumer Behaviour
Generally, Congolese consumers have a limited income and low purchasing power, making price the main purchasing factor. For most people, the shopping basket is composed almost entirely of essential products (when food cannot be grown directly through subsistence farming).
Nearly all locally sold goods are imported, and domestic transportation costs contribute to increasing prices. As in most countries in the region, availability and proximity two important purchasing drivers. There is no sizeable middle class with robust education, skills, and material living standards.
Advertising is carried on mainly through radio, television and newspaper (in French). Online advertising is not very common, as the internet penetration rate is still low. Consumer credit is still not developed.
Good customer and follow-up services can confer a significant competitive advantage (especially for durable goods and B2B commerce).
Main Advertising Agencies
Congo Web Agency

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