Os acordos internacionais e os procedimentos aduaneiros da África do Sul
- International Conventions
Member of the World Trade Organization (WTO)
Party to the Kyoto Protocol
Party to the Washington Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora
Party to the Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and Their Disposal
Party to the Montreal Protocol on Substances That Deplete the Ozone Layer
Party to the Wassenaar Arrangement on Export Controls For Conventional Arms and Dual-Use Goods and Technologies
- International Economic Cooperation
- South Africa is a member of the following international economic organisations: African Union, WTO, G-20, G-24, G-77, ICC, IMF, among others. For the full list of economic and other international organisations in which participates South Africa click here. International organisation membership of South Africa is also outlined here.
- Non Tariff Barriers
- Import licences are required for a certain number of products (refer to Schedule 1 of the Import Control Regulations Act). These licences are delivered by the following authorities (as per the nature of the product): the Department of Environmental Affairs, the Department of Trade and Industry, the Department of Energy and the Department of Health.
Some products are subject to specific controls (caution: the below list is not exhaustive):
- A phytosanitary certificate is required for vegetables and related products, as well as animal products such as bacon, hides and honey. It is delivered by the Ministry of Agriculture from the country of origin.
- A veterinarian certificate is required for the import of living animals and fresh, frozen or canned meat.
- A certificate of disinfection is necessary for the import of wool products, cotton, clothes, etc.
- A certificate of inspection by a recognised institute is required only for exporters who export for the first time in South Africa, it is not required when a good business relationship has been established.
- A quality certificate may be asked for fruits and vegetables.
- Customs Duties and Taxes on Imports
- 5.8%. Please consult data on tariffs in South Africa provided by the World Trade Organisation (pag 167).
- Customs Classification
- South Africa uses a Harmonised System (HS).
Import Procedures
- South Africa has a complex import procedure. South African Revenue Service (SARS) has about 90 000 product codes that strictly apply to all imports. Foreign exporters are strongly encouraged to seek a local agent for customs clearance with a good understanding of South African legislation.
Customs SA, a division of SARS, requires importers to register and obtain a SARS importer code. SARS uses a Single Administrative Document (SAD) to facilitate custom clearance for importers, exporters and cross-border traders. The SAD is a multi-purpose goods declaration form that covers imports, exports, cross-border and transit movements. The following documents are required to obtain the SAD:- One negotiable and two non-negotiable copies of the Bill of Lading.
- A Declaration of Origin Form, DA59, is to be used in cases where a rate of duty lower than the general rate is claimed as well as for goods subject to antidumping or countervailing duty.
- Four copies and one original Commercial Invoice. Invoices from suppliers are not accepted as satisfying the requirements of the customs regulations unless they meet certain requirements of the SARS (see SARS website for more information).
- One copy of the insurance certificate (for sea freight)
- Three copies of the Packing List. Data contained in this document should agree with that in other documents.
After registering as an importer with the South African Revenue Service (Sars), one can apply for an import permit from the International Trade Administration Commission (ITAC), which ensures that imported goods comply with the country's safety, quality, environmental and health requirements. They must also comply with the provisions of international agreements.
Please visit the website of the South African Revenue Service for more information.
- Importing Samples
- For the entry of commercial samples, advertising materials and professional equipment, South Africa applies the ATA (Temporary Admission) Carnet system. Goods should be adequately marked for identification purposes so as to facilitate their passage through customs. South Africa is a member of the ATA Convention (see: ATA Carnet). Goods with an ATA Carnet are exempt from duty fees and VAT.
To go further, check out our service Import controls
and Export Controls.
- For Further Information
South African Revenue Service
South Business Portal for Africa
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