Tunisia flag Tunisia: Investing in Tunisia

Investment framework and opportunities in Tunisia

Procedures Relative to Foreign Investment

Freedom of Establishment
There are different rules for “Offshore” and "Onshore" investments (see the "Acquisition of Holdings" section below).
Acquisition of Holdings

Foreign investment is classified into two categories:

  • “Offshore” investment, defined as commercial entities in which foreign capital accounts for at least 66% of equity, and at least 70% of the production is destined for the export market. There is total freedom of foreign equity participation for offshore companies.
  • “Onshore” investment, where foreign equity participation is capped at a maximum of 49% in most non-industrial projects.  “Onshore” industrial investment, however, may have 100% foreign equity (subject to government approval).
Obligation to Declare
Investments in the sectors belonging to the "negative list" are subject to governmental authorization (see the "Requests For Specific Authorisations" section below).
Competent Organisation For the Declaration
Tunisia Investment Authority
Requests For Specific Authorisations
A “negative list” indicates the sectors subject to government authorization, including: natural resources; construction materials; land, sea and air transport; banking, finance, and insurance; hazardous and polluting industries; health; education; and telecommunications. As per government decree, if the relevant decision-making body does not respond to an investment request within a certain period (generally set at 60 days), the authorization is automatically granted to the applicant.

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Investment Opportunities

Investment Aid Agency
Tenders, Projects and Public Procurement
Tenders Info, Tenders in Tunisia
GlobalTenders, Tenders & Projects in Tunisia
DgMarket, Tenders Worldwide
Other Useful Resources
Tunisian Investment Authority

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