Advertising and marketing in Sweden
Marketing opportunities
- Consumer Profile
The median age of the population, 41.2 years in 2022, is increasing slightly but remains relatively stable (Data Reportal). Some 18% of the population is under 15 years old and 20% is 65 years old or older (World Bank, 2021). The population growth rate is 0.5% in 2022 (CIA). On average, there are 1.5 persons per household, 71% of households are composed of people living alone and 22.8% are couples with or without children (Eurostat, 2020). There are approximately as many men as women in Sweden with 88.5% of the population living in urban areas (CIA, 2022). The southern region is more populated because of the better climate and access to Europe. Dense areas exist especially along the Baltic Sea. Stockholm is the main city with 1.659 million inhabitants in 2022 (CIA). In Sweden, 84% of adults aged 25-64 have completed upper secondary education, higher than the OECD average of 79%. This is truer of women than men, as 83% of men have successfully completed high-school compared with 85% of women (OECD, 2021). Of the active population, 31.7% are professionals, 18.3% are technicians, 16.5% are sales and service employees, 8.9% are craftsmen and skilled workers, 6.7% are managers, 5.9% are clerks, 5.3% are operators and assemblers, 4.2% occupy intermediate professions, 2% are farmers and 0.3% are military (ILO, 2021).
- Purchasing Power
The GDP per capita PPP is USD 59,324, according to the latest World Bank figures. Swedish people earn USD 47,020 per year on average, less than the OECD average USD 49,165. In Sweden, the average household net adjusted disposable income per capita is USD 33,730 a year, higher than the OECD average of USD 30,490. Household consumption dropped during the COVID-19 pandemic, but rebounded since 2021. In May 2022, household consumption grew by 5.2% compared to May 2021, measured in volume, working day adjusted (Statistics Sweden).The Gini index is relatively low at 29.3 though it is increasing (World Bank). According to OECD data, in Sweden, the gender pay gap stands at 7.4% (the average gender wage gap in the OECD is 11.7%). Women’s average monthly salaries in Sweden are 90% of men’s – 95% when differences in choice of profession and sector are taken into account (Statistics Sweden, 2020).
- Consumer Behaviour
Sweden is a progressive and forward-looking country, and consumption patterns reflect both individuality and equality. Swedes are discerning in how they consume, valuing function and quality as much as design and branding in their purchasing decisions. Nonetheless, price is one of the main factor in purchasing. Other factors that may be involved in purchase decisions are the seller's know-how and the after-sales service. Swedish consumers are increasingly less loyal to brands. The Covid-19 pandemic boosted online shopping. E-commerce increased by 20% in 2021, generating revenues worth USD 15.5 billion (ecommerceDB).
The main products purchased are the electronics, clothing and shoes, books, furniture, DIY products, sport and games. Although consumers are relatively open to international brands, Sweden's favourite brands are national.
The use of social media and mobile communication is high. There were 9.88 million internet users in Sweden in January 2022. Internet penetration in Sweden stood at 97% in January 2022, whereas social media penetration in Sweden stood at 90.8% (Data Reportal). Facebook is by far the most used network. Among the ways to make buying decisions, following influencers is the most important. Overall 44% of Swedes trust authorities to protect their personal data.
Following the outbreak of the COVID-19, consumers try to decrease spending. Sweden is among the leading countries where health is important when it comes to consumption. The demand for fresh, eco-friendly and health-friendly products that are transparent on ingredients is on the rise. For the beauty sector, for example, the demand for natural products is growing. The consumption of organic products is rising. In 2021, the organic products market was worth USD 1.138 billion and per capita expenditure was USD 109.62 (Organic Trade Association). The second-hand market is expanding on the internet and in stores, as consumers are increasingly attracted to the circular economy and the benefits to the environment. Around three quarters of Swedish consumers say that they are impacted by sustainability issues when purchasing goods or services. The use of collaborative platforms such as Airbnb, Uber, is widespread among Swedish consumers. The cities of Stockholm, Gothenburg, Malmî and UmeÜ will also become test cities for the national sharing economy program. The most common platforms allow you to share cars, clothes, games or even housing.
- Consumers Associations
Konsument Verket , Swedish Authority for Protection of Consumers
Sveriges Konsumenter , Association of Swedish Consumers
The Swedish Consumer Coalition , Coalition of Swedish Consumers
- Main Advertising Agencies
Pyramid Agency
Forsman & Bodenfors
Spoon Agency
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Latest Update: February 2025