Portugal: Buying and Selling
Recent developments in the social, economic and technological context have had a high impact on the consumption habits of the Portuguese, and today there is a greater concern with the management of the family budget, as well as a concern with the environmental aspect of products, such as sustainability and the origin of the products they consume. The Portuguese are becoming more concerned about their personal comfort and well-being, especially the younger generations. A trend among the Portuguese youth is to buy natural, organic, locally grown foods. According to Deloitte, 45% of Portuguese claim to be willing to pay more for products and services provided by companies committed to having a positive social and environmental impact. On average, Portuguese consumers tend not to be impulsive buyers, especially after years of recession. Portuguese consumers tend to be loyal to clothing brands, but they are usually not loyal to food brands, as they tend to buy whatever is cheapest. Additionally, consumers prefer foreign products - with the exception of food. Nevertheless, in recent years there have been public awareness campaigns focused on encouraging people to buy domestic products. The Portuguese consumer has currently been described as "addicted to deals", as purchases of products on sale account for nearly half of all the purchases made in the country every year. Good prices and sales are the factors that most influence purchasing decisions and are what attract the Portuguese consumer. A typical Portuguese consumer values convenience and proximity in retail, favouring hypermarkets and being open to abundant promotions throughout the country. In the context of the Covid-19 pandemic and the rising inflation resulting from the war in Ukraine, the average consumer has decreased spending. Nowadays, consumers are becoming more connected and demanding, making consumption less impulsive and more thoughtful. Consumers are more price sensitive and have adopted more contained, conscious, responsible and sustainable consumer practises. Planning, rational choice, and the effort to reduce impulse buying are evidenced by the growing weight of sales. Consumers also value the interaction and experience when making a purchase. Even though e-commerce has been growing in the country, in-store purchases are still preferred among Portugal's ageing population, with on-line shopping being favoured by those under 30. According to Hipersuper, 60.9% of Portuguese consumers shopped online in 2022. According to a survey held by Eurostat, the Portuguese are the ones using collaborative platforms such as Uber and Airbnb least amongst Europe. On average, only 6% of the Portuguese booked their accommodations online, compared to 17% of their other European counterparts. The same goes for online reservations of transportation services: the member States average is 8%, while in Portugal it is 2%.
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