Industry in Poland contributes to 28.8% of GDP, including the building sector, which is the most dynamic sector. The main sectors are industrial processing (excluding the textile industry), paper, chemical products, transport vehicles, rubber, synthetic materials, metals, the mechanical industries and medical, optical and precision apparatus industry, IT, foodstuffs and tobacco goods and furniture.
68 professional associations listed for Poland.
Upcoming Trade shows in Poland
January 14th, 2025
Natural resource management, ecology - Pollution - Urban and industrial waste - Water treatment - Energy - Renewable energy - Recycling
January 21st, 2025
Machine tools, agricultural machinery - Robotics - Precision, measures, optics, watches - Hardware, tools, accessories - Professional hardware - Metallurgy, steel, foundry
January 22nd, 2025
Horticulture, forestry, forest - Horticulture - Forestry, forest - Food industry - Food industry: unspecified - Alcoholic drinks - Non-alcoholic drinks - Bakery, pastry, confectionery - Cereals, spices, tobacco - Fruits and vegetables - Dry groceries, packaged goods - Dairy products - Fish and seafood - Meat and poultry
January 22nd, 2025
Automobiles, lorries - Automobile manufacturing, lorries - Robotics - Software - Embedded systems - Services and business consulting - Accounting, taxation - Management - Translation - Legal - Transportation, logistics, handling - Air transport, airports - Maritime transport, river transport, cruises - Road transport - Rail transport - Logistics, handling - Freight
January 24th, 2025
Agriculture, livestock, fisheries, forestry - Agriculture - Breeding - Food industry - Food industry: unspecified - Alcoholic drinks - Non-alcoholic drinks - Bakery, pastry, confectionery - Cereals, spices, tobacco - Fruits and vegetables - Dry groceries, packaged goods - Dairy products - Fish and seafood - Meat and poultry - Machine tools, agricultural machinery
January 28th, 2025
Communication - Marketing - Advertising - Sponsorship - Incentive - Edition, graphic art, printing and reproduction - Edition, graphic art, printing and reproduction: unspecified - Graphic art, desktop publishing - Publishing - Printing, reproduction - Mail, stamps, cards - Iconography, various prints - Publication, arts: other - Commercial property, patents, trademarks - e-commerce
January 28th, 2025
Communication - Marketing - Advertising - Sponsorship - Incentive - Edition, graphic art, printing and reproduction - Edition, graphic art, printing and reproduction: unspecified - Graphic art, desktop publishing - Publishing - Printing, reproduction - Mail, stamps, cards - Iconography, various prints - Publication, arts: other - Packaging, packing, conditioning - Commercial property, patents, trademarks - e-commerce
February 1st, 2025
Territorial administration - Horticulture, forestry, forest - Horticulture - Forestry, forest - Architecture - Land planning, urban planning - Construction, public works - Masonry, carpentry, pipework - Real estate - Furnishings - Household equipment - Fruits and vegetables - Home and garden services - Sports and recreation - Outdoor sports - Amusement parks, fairgrounds - Gardens, parks - Monuments, tourist attractions - Camping, resorts
February 1st, 2025
Agriculture - Horticulture, forestry, forest - Horticulture - Forestry, forest - Fruits and vegetables - Machine tools, agricultural machinery - Products and services for weddings - Hotels, accommodation - Restaurants, home deliveries - Cafes, bars, nightclubs
February 1st, 2025
Construction, public works - Masonry, carpentry, pipework - Waterproofing, roofing, plumbing, carpentry - Painting, door and window frames, wall and floor coverings - Electrical installations - Heating, air conditioning, ventilation - Sanitary equipment, kitchen, swimming pool - Natural resource management, ecology - Industrial cooling, thermal processes - Chemistry, pharmacy - Chemicals, pharmacy and derived products: unspecified - Chemicals - Plastics, rubber - Hygiene, perfumes, cosmetics - Pharmaceutical industry: products, laboratories - Energy - Oil - Gas - Electric energy - Renewable energy - Outsourcing, hardware equipping - Hydrogen
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