Investment framework and opportunities in Peru
Procedures Relative to Foreign Investment
- Freedom of Establishment
Peru signed the constituent agreement of the International Center for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID). Foreign investment in Peru is governed by the law on the promotion of foreign investments and its decree-law n°662 of 1991, which establishes, as a basic principle, the equal treatment of national and foreign capital.
- Acquisition of Holdings
A majority holding interest in the capital of a local company is legal in Peru.
- Obligation to Declare
To be recognized and be able to benefit from the provisions of the legislation in force, the considered investment must, once carried out, be registered with Proinversion, but this formality is only compulsory when there is an agreement on legal stability.
- Competent Organisation For the Declaration
Peruvian Agency for the promotion of investment.
- Requests For Specific Authorisations
Foreign capital can be invested in all sectors of economic activity without prior authorization, with the exception of a few sectors, such as the press, or implantations in border zones.
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