Investment framework and opportunities in Mauritania
Procedures Relative to Foreign Investment
- Freedom of Establishment
Freedom of establishment is guaranteed by the Mauritanian law.
To learn more about the different legal form of enterprises that may be settled by foreigners in Mauritania, please visit the dedicated page on the "Guichet Unique" website (in French).
- Acquisition of Holdings
Foreign investors can obtain majority stake in a local company. The investment code does not allow for restrictions based on the origin of the investment concerning the access to Mauritanian company capital. There are some exceptions according to the type of activity, and in the fishing sector, a foreign investor cannot hold more than 49% of the society's shares.
- Obligation to Declare
To register a company, a notary help is required. There is a one-stop procedure through the "Guichet Unique". More information can be found in the World Bank's Report on Mauritania.
- Competent Organisation For the Declaration
The Mauritanian Court of Accounts
- Requests For Specific Authorisations
In the domains of mining, oil exploitation, telecoms, insurance companies, banking and telecommunication, specific authorizations delivered by the ministry to which the sector is attached are required.
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