Burkina Faso flag Burkina Faso: Buying and Selling

Advertising and marketing in Burkina Faso

Marketing opportunities

Consumer Profile
With a population of around 21.5 million people (IMF, 2021), Burkina Faso has been classified as a low-income country by the World Bank. In fact, GDP per capita has now reached USD 876 (IMF, 2021).

Burkinabe consumers are relatively young: according to data from the CIA (2020 est.), the proportion of children below the age of 14 is 43.58%, 20.33% for those between 15 and 24, 29.36% between 25 and 54, while only 6.73% are 55 or older.
The World Bank Development indicators for its part reveals that in 2019, 70.2% of the population was living in rural areas. This part of the population has relatively low access to consumer goods as compared to people living in urban areas (mainly the capital Ouagadougou, Bobo-Dioulasso, Koudougou and Banfora.)
Consumer Behaviour
Generally, the Burkinabe consumer has a limited budget and most of the expenses are directed towards primary needs: according to a study published by the Economic Centre of the Sorbonne University, the majority of the household budget is spent on consumption (74.5%), with the bulk of expenditures going to food. The remaining part is spent on leisure (17.6%) and other activities (7.9%). On average, Burkinabe households spend around CFA 1.25 million on food, education, healthcare, transportation, housing, durable goods, leisure, and other items every year. Families have on average six members, of which 10% have female family heads (United Nations, latest data available). Most of the household heads work as farmers and are between 36–60 years old, with a low school enrolment ratio.

Price is the primary decision factor when making a purchase, and Burkinabe consumers are really sensitive to price elasticity. Therefore, promotions and favourable terms of payment can help attract more buyers. Only a really small portion of the population (mainly located in urban areas, especially the capital Ouagadougou) has a stronger purchasing power and can afford to buy imported or durable goods.
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