Argentina flag Argentina: Investing in Argentina

Investment framework and opportunities in Argentina

Procedures Relative to Foreign Investment

Freedom of Establishment
Foreign private entities can establish and own business enterprises and engage in all forms of remunerative activity in nearly all sectors, with the same conditions as local companies. Foreigners can have the full equity ownership, with exception in the air transportation and media industries (maximum 49% for the former, 30% for the latter).
Acquisition of Holdings
Foreign investors are able to invest in all sectors of the economy on equal footing with national investors. The current investment regime is a liberal one. Foreign investment is not subject to any authorisation or declaration, regardless of the amount or the activity envisaged, even if this means taking a majority share in the capital of a local company. However, in sectors like the air transportation and media industries foreign ownership is restricted by the law (maximum 49% and 30%, respectively). Moreover, foreigners cannot own land that allows for the extension of existing bodies of water or that are located near a Border Security Zone, and cannot own more than 1,000 hectares (2,470 acres) in the most productive farming areas.
Obligation to Declare
Foreign investors that want to set up a business in Argentina follow the same procedures as domestic entities, without the need for prior approval. However, the company must register its name with the Office of Corporations (Inspeccion General de Justicia - IGJ), and must request that the College of Public Notaries submit the company’s accounting books to be certified with the IGJ.
Profits and dividends have to be declared in closed and audited financial statements.
Competent Organisation For the Declaration
Inspeccion General de Justicia
Requests For Specific Authorisations
There is no declaration, in principle, except for large projects which require the agreement of the competent ministry. For example: the TGV (high speed train) must receive authorisation from the Ministry of Infrastructure.
In certain sectors, like aviation and media, foreign ownership is restricted.

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Investment Opportunities

Investment Aid Agency
Argentine Agency of Investments and International Trade
Ministry of Foreign Affairs, International Trade and Worship
Tenders, Projects and Public Procurement
GlobalTenders: Argentina, Tenders and projects in Argentina
Tenders Info: Argentina, Tenders in Argentina
DgMarket: Tenders Worldwide, Tenders Worldwide
Other Useful Resources
Ministry of Production

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