Work conditions in Angola
The Active Population in Figures
2018 | 2019 | 2020 |
Labour Force |
12,705,661 | 13,155,275 | 13,292,663 |
International Labour Organization, ILOSTAT database
2017 | 2018 | 2019 |
Total activity rate |
78.09% | 78.03% | 77.93% |
Men activity rate |
79.31% | 79.21% | 79.03% |
Women activity rate |
76.91% | 76.90% | 76.88% |
International Labour Organization, ILOSTAT database
Working Conditions
- Legal Weekly Duration
8 hours daily (10 hours under certain conditions), maximum 44 hours per week.
- Retirement Age
60 years and 35 years of service
- Working Contracts
Work contracts are usually permanent and long-term, but they can be temporary, fixed-term or permanent depending on certain conditions.
- Labour Laws
Consult Doing Business Website, to obtain a summary of the labor regulations that apply to local entreprises.
Cost of Labour
- Minimum Wage
In 2019, the minimum wage was AOA 21,454 per month for the agricultural sector and AOA 26,817 for the industries of transportation, service and manufacutring, accordigng to the Africa Labour, Research and Education Institute (latest data available).
- Average Wage
The monthly gross average wage is estimated at AOA 320,000 per month (lastest available data).
- Social Contributions
Social Security Contributions Paid By Employers: 8%
Social Security Contributions Paid By Employees: 3%. A foreign worker has the right not to contribute to the social security system if he can prove that he is currently supporting a foreign regime and / or has a life insurance.
Social Partners
- Employer Associations
CIP - Ecuadorian Chamber of Industries and Production
CAPIG - Chamber of Small Industry of Guayas
CCQ - Quito Chamber of Commerce
GEN - Ecuadorian Entrepreneurs Club
CAP - Pichincha Chamber of Commerce
- Social Dialogue and Involvement of Social Partners
The law guarantees the right to join and form independent trade unions, the right to strike (except in the public and oil sectors), and the right to bargain collectively. However, there are few independent trade unions and overall the labor movement is dominated by the ruling MPLA party. Forming or joining a union requires a permission from the government. Finally, the government can intervene to end a labour conflict and force workers to return to work.
- Labour Unions
UNTA The National Union of Angolan Workers
CGSILA General Centre of Independent and Free Unions of Angola
- Unionisation Rate
The rate of unionization is very low (less than a million of unionized workers).
- Labour Regulation Bodies
Ministry of Public Administration, Labour and Social Security
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Latest Update: April 2024