Investment framework and opportunities in Algeria
Procedures Relative to Foreign Investment
- Freedom of Establishment
According to the edict n°01/03 of 20 August 2001, any legal entity or natural person, public or private, can invest in economic activities concerning production of goods and services as well as in investments carried out in the framework of granting concessions and/or licenses. Foreign and domestic private entities have the right to establish and own business enterprises and engage in all forms of remunerative activity. In 2019, the government eliminated the “51/49” restriction that required majority Algerian ownership of all new businesses, which remains in vigour only for certain strategic sectors such as hydrocarbons, mining, defense, and pharmaceuticals.
- Acquisition of Holdings
Acquiring a majority interest in a local company is authorized in Algeria (with the exception of strategic sectors, including hydrocarbons, mining, defense, and pharmaceuticals).
- Obligation to Declare
An investment declaration is necessary; it must be made to the National Agency for development and investment (ANDI). Consult the websites of these organizations to find out further details.
- Requests For Specific Authorisations
Many products are subject to procedures to obtain prior authorization. See the list of controlled activities on the Register of Commerce website.
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