Afghanistan flag Afghanistan: Operating a Business in Afghanistan

Starting a business in Afghanistan

Legal Forms of Companies

Limited liability company
Number of partners: Minimum: 1 director and 2 shareholders. A resident company agent and a board of supervisors must also be appointed.
Capital (max/min): No mandated minimum share capital requirement
Shareholders and liability: Limited to the amount of share capital subscribed
Number of partners: Minimum: 1 director and 2 shareholders. A resident company agent and a board of supervisors must also be appointed.
Capital (max/min): No mandated minimum share capital requirement
Shareholders and liability: Limited to the amount of share capital subscribed. Liability of shareholders is limited to the unpaid amount of their subscribed shares
Number of partners: Minimum: 2 with no maximum.
Capital (max/min): No mandated minimum share capital requirement
Shareholders and liability: Unlimited liability. Afghan Partnership Law provides for a special partnership status, in which one or more Partners have unlimited liability (General Partners) and the rest of the
Partners have limited liability with a definite capital (special partners). However, these special partners are fully liable to third persons. A credit partnership can also be established, in which each of the partners is responsible for their specific part
The Competent Organisation
Afghanistan Central Business Registry (ACBR) issues the commercial license required to perform any commercial activity. Additional licenses for certain activities (import of medicines, telecommunication, banking, hotel and restaurant, private hospital, private university, film production company, printing house, transportation, travel agency) must be obtained from the competent authority. Please check the full list here.
For Further Information
Consult the Ministry of Commerce and Industries, to find out about different commercial laws that apply to limited liability companies, corporations and partnerships.
Consult Doing Business Website, to know about procedures to start a Business in Afghanistan.

Financial Information Directories

Dun & Bradstreet - Worldwide directory with financial information on businesses

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